The revised draft of the City of Northfield’s Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is available (PDF) and on the agenda for tonight’s City Council meeting.
The big decisions seem to be:
- $240,000 for window replacements at City Hall as part of a phased improvement process
- $235,000 for a skatepark (minus donations)
- Option: $600,000 for design/land purchase for a new Safety Center; or $120,000 roof replacement and HVAC upgrade on current bldg
- Option: $55,000 for Library exterior painting and Division Street wall upgrade; or wait till 2010 to begin Library expansion (design/construct) at $900,000 and then 2011 for full construction at $9,100,000
Maybe it’s no surprise to you that your house has a distinct odor that almost knocks you over when you walk through the door. You may be tempted to grab that bottle of air freshener, but it could contribute to the terrible smell. Here are the answers to why your house smells bad.
For more, see the Nov. 25 article in the Nfld News titled City Hall remodel may be phased.
FYI – At 6:00 tonight, there is a reception for out-going city council members in the Council Chambers.
Thanks, Jane… but I missed it. Did you take photos? And did decisions get made about the CIP?
I see in your LWV Observer Notes on Monday’s Council meeting that the “2009 Budget and the 2009-2013 Capital Improvement Plan were also approved.”
Can you give us any details on what the Council decided on the two options above re: the Safety Ctr and the Library?
Griff: I was out of town and missed the full discussion of the 2009 budget, so I don’t know what items in the Capital Improvement Plan are included in it. The action Monday night was perfunctory, as the council had already processed each of the items at previous meetings. No major decisions have been made to move forward with either the Safety Center or the Library. This is underscored by a note Ms. McBride included in the CIP document “A decision on preliminary scheduling of the Safety Center and Library projects is needed.” I’ve sent her an inquiry about the 2009 budget to determine if the $$ indicated in the CIP for 2009 are included. (Some money was for maintenance for each building, and $600,000 for Safety Center, which I think would be for planning.) More later.
I took a few photos of the retiring councilmen, but, unfortunately none of the mayor.
Here’s the info I got from Finance Director Kathleen McBride:
A revised Library Expansion Plan?