The Representative Journalism Project is nearing its five-month anniversary and my collaborators and I could not thank the people of Northfield enough for all the support they have offered so far.
We’re hoping those supporters might chime in now and let us know what parts of the project seem to be working and what parts still need refinement.
One change I am determined to make this week is in how I introduce stories, document their development and finally present them to readers. I would like to gather more input from a wider spectrum of people, and do more to show them my reporting and writing process, before I produce a finished piece of work.
Now, when I put up a part of a story to introduce a topic, I would like to see readers help me put together the next part of that story for the following day, and so on until finally, I write a feature-length article that one might see in a magazine or newspaper.
In the evolution phase of story development, I want to be more informal about presenting the information I update day-to-day. I want people to know more about how and when I got the information, and what thoughts ran through my head as I received it.
I hope the increased transparency and opportunity for public participation will improve the quality of my stories and distinguish Representative Journalism as a truly different and valuable way for a community to learn about itself.
Please answer the questions below to help us know how we’re doing. If you prefer, email your responses to Thank you!
- What parts of the Representative Journalism Project do you value? What parts don’t work?
- How can we further refine the project into something Northfield citizens value more?
- How could Representative Journalism support itself financially in a community?
[…] for Len or Northfield RepJ reporter Bonnie Obremski, see her blog post from last week titled Half-year mark for RepJ Project. The Representative Journalism Project is nearing its five-month anniversary and my collaborators […] has a RepJ story/interview this week: ‘News operations will have to join the niche movement rather than fight it’ says Representative Journalism founder
BusinessWeek has a RepJ story this week: Online Journalism: Donations Accepted.