I love my adopted state of MN!
It’s people like my neighbor Tom Kotula, mailman extraordinaire , fervent Way Parker, and the guy with the MOST beautiful Hawaiian shirt collection, who make MN truly L’Etoile du Nord”.
January 17, 2009
Patti Henry said:
That’s our Tom, greatest mail carrier to ever walk the streets of Northfield! Of course, I’m bias as he trained me in at the Post office… I however didn’t aquire the taste for icy cold legs. Way to live up to your reputation!
Tom’s hardcore. tip of the hat to that.
I love my adopted state of MN!
It’s people like my neighbor Tom Kotula, mailman extraordinaire , fervent Way Parker, and the guy with the MOST beautiful Hawaiian shirt collection, who make MN truly L’Etoile du Nord”.
That’s our Tom, greatest mail carrier to ever walk the streets of Northfield! Of course, I’m bias as he trained me in at the Post office… I however didn’t aquire the taste for icy cold legs. Way to live up to your reputation!