In case you missed Griff’s comment on this in a previous thread, listen up:’s annual meeting is being held this Thursday, 1/22, at 7:00p at the Grand. The headliner of the meeting is a panel discussion, “Beyond Letters to the Editor: How everyday people can be heard in Northfield.” There will be time for questions and comments. (continued)
Panelists include:
- Library Board Chair Margit Johnson (moderator)
- Sam Gett, publisher of the Northfield News
- Our very own Griff Wigley of Locally Grown, leadership blogging coach
- Doug Bratland, board member
- Media mogul Jeff Johnson, owner of KYMN
- Rob Shanilec, publisher, Northfield Entertainment Guide
- The indescribable Brendon Etter
- Paul Hager, director of NTV
Come one, come all, let’s make it interesting. I’m just going to heckle.
They’re letting that Etter man speak on the panel but no invite for moi? I’ll be there and I’m bringing my sour grapes. Just kidding 🙂 Great roster and sounds like a great event! See you all there!
I have the flu and will not come and infect my fellow citizens, so let me shout out now…when someone does try to do something and help out, please acknowledge them with a smile and a thank you and an invitation to join in in the future. So far, my assesment for that sort of effort leaves a lot of room for improvement, though some people do that very nicely and beautifully.
Oh, I should add that I am not saying I have to be thanked for everything I do, but I and I think others might like to know if the deed was well received, if it was needed and how it might help or be improved, stuff like that, you know, dialogue.
Now this is progress.
Tracy and Bonnie wrote about me? In the same post? Ohhhh… be still my trembling heart… heartheartheart!!!
Bella, it’s nice to see you again. 😛
Anyone know if there was a Facebook group announcement for this event? Sorry, no time for me to check right now….
Yes, there was. I got one, at least.
This looks like a fun event. I wonder if they’ll decide to have just one ‘civil discourse’ blog and leave as it is. Maybe we need just one talk-it-up in town, but it would be so fun to have good reads over at… not to dis the current content contributors, but I’d like to see more. 🙂
[…] annual meeting tonight at The Grand Event Center and featured a panel of local medial moguls. See Tracy’s post from earlier this week, the album of 14 photos, or this […]