I’m not sure how Harvard Law students got involved in this….. maybe someone who knows can chime in and enlighten us.
From the Northfield League of Women Voters observer report last week:
. . . George Kinney, a member of the recently disbanded Energy Task Force, reported that an ordinance creating a permanent task force has been drafted and given to the staff. Because of the work the group has done, they have received three speaking requests, including two at the up-coming Peace Prize Forum at St Olaf College on March 6 and 7. He called attention to an online survey, conducted by Harvard Law Students, to determine the future of Northfield’s energy policies.
I took the survey yesterday. It doesn’t take long, but requires a bit of introspection and analysis regarding personal habits of energy use. I’m looking forward to seeing the results of the survey.
Thank you for posting this Tracy. I took the energy survey and would encourage everyone to take it. The information gathered regarding Northfielder’s energy use practices will aid in the process and give us a starting point for discussions and decisions on future energy policy.
Thank you for posting the online survey link for the Energy Task Force’s survey. We have involved the Harvard Negotiators group in the design and development of the survey. They are a group of third year law college students who assist local agencies in civic efforts to get real world experiences in local issues. I have involved them in my work with another organization in the past.
The Negotiators will be training the former Energy Task Force members, the City Council and the EQC in negotiations later this month. The Negotiators are volunteers and have offered their free services to Northfield as we pursue our local energy policy directions. Please take the energy survey so we can have your input into the many issues regarding energy conservation and clean energy. We are interested in incorporating your thoughts and ideas in our ongoing discussions. You can take the survey at northfieldsurvey.net
Any way to know how many people have taken the survey to date? When will the results be tallied?
Also, can we get access to the raw data?