The Friday Memo, written by interim Northfield City Administrator Joel Walinski and many of the department directors, managers, and supervisors, summarizes many of the staff activities for the week. Although it’s directed to the mayor and city council, it’s helpful for citizens to see what’s going, too.
The Friday memos are published and archived in PDF form at the bottom of Joel Walinski’s web page. See the Friday memo for this past week and then comment or ask questions about it here.
This week’s highlights include the first meeting of the Safety Center Task Force and another item which I’ll blog separately.
NOTE: City Council meeting and work session on Monday.
[…] Share your ideas about the city budget. According to City Administrator Joel Walinski’s Friday Memo of Feb. 20, the submissions will be forwarded to the City Council for […]
Councilor Betsey Buckheit continues to blog weekly about the upcoming city-related meetings that are on her plate. Her most recent post of this type: The Black Binder returns.
Thanks, Griff! I’ll award you the first Black Binder Badge for plugging my blog.