Looking out my window, it’s snowing so hard, I can barely see across Hidden Valley Park. And in the past ten minutes or so, there’s been lightning followed by claps of thunder within 15-30 seconds. Thundersnow! Looking at the Weather Underground radar for Northfield, there’s an even heavier band of snow heading our way. Here’s an animated screen capture from 12:31 to 12:52. Cool!
Hey, that’s not fair!
Sadly, no thundersnow up here in Lakeville today.
I am in the second row of the vanpool on the laptop. We are coming home down 52, doing about 40. Visibility is way down, and there is ice under the snow. (We are almost at the 52/55 split.)
I looked out the window at about 12:15 today, and it wasn’t snowing. I came back from a meeting, and by 2:15 we had an early release.
This storm came in FAST. 😎
It is a GREAT day to be vanpooling. Riding in the back, blanket over my knees with the heat on, coffee in the cup holder, surfing the internet. It doesn’t get much better… 😎
We just passed Hampton, and we are southbound on Hwy 47.
The best advice I can give you is that if you can avoid leaving town heading north, do so. Everyone is in a line going right down the center of 47 with thier flashers on. We are doing about 15 or so. Nothing has been plowed, and there is ice underneath.
There are TONS of chucleheads with 4WDs in the ditch, and one guy in a black suburban just blew by us and almost took out the car coming over the hill in a no passing zone. Getting home 5 minutes early is just not worth dumping it in the ditch, especially with the lack of shoulders on Hwy 47.
We are almost at the intersection of hwy 86, and the current count is 14 in the ditch between Hampton and the crossing. Err… Make that 17. It is remarkable the amount of 4WDs that are in the ditch.
If you do not need to be out driving, stay home. Please. Its going to be dark soon, and much more unsafe.
Be careful tonight.
Very cool to provide those in-the-van weather updates, John.
I’ve blogged a dozen+ photos of downtown during the peak of the storm:
[…] I think Richardson made the right call. With the pinpoint accuracy of the weather forecast and the crystal clear radar images that a big storm was about to hit, I think a case could be made that school could’ve been […]
[…] In December, we got treated to a set of sun dogs making a complete circle. Two weeks ago, thundersnow. And this morning, moon dogs, which the Wikipedia says are “… are exactly analogous to sun […]