Barbara Cordes has opened up an office for Making Words Work in the Nasby Building in downtown Northfield, across from the Grand.
Making Words Work is committed to “best practices” in writing, creatively using authentic, accurate and meaningful words that speak to others.
However, she’s been known to occasionally associate with men who still use rotary phones (Paul Krause, for example) so it’s unclear whether or not she has much of a future in a high-tech town like Northfield. Click photos to enlarge.
It looks like a local named G.W. is scheduled to lead a roundtable on blogging. Ever heard of this bloke Griff? Might have to sign up and see if he knows anything about this blogging biz.
True, ’tis me, Jerry, but since that presentation’s a freebie, it doesn’t count as shameless self-promotion!
wouldn’t mind if it was ssp, I hope to attend.