NOTE – PUBLIC HEARING MARCH 2: There is a public hearing at Monday’s City Council meeting “to consider public input regarding amendments to the Northfield Ordinance Code, Section 74-97 to include the annexed area west of the Northfield Hospital into the Rural Service District. Public comment relating to the proposed ordinance amendment is welcome, and may be given in writing prior to the hearing or orally at the hearing.” You can read the relevant section of the ordinance code online here.
Here is the regular agenda and meeting packet for Monday’s City Council meeting.
And now back to our regularly scheduled programming. The Friday Memo, written by interim Northfield City Administrator Joel Walinski and many of the department directors, managers, and supervisors, summarizes many of the staff activities for the week. Although it’s directed to the mayor and city council, it’s helpful for citizens to see what’s going, too.
The Friday memos are published and archived in PDF form at the bottom of Joel Walinski’s web page. See the Friday memo for this past week and then comment or ask questions about it here.
This week’s highlights include the effect of unfunded mandates on the City budget as well as updates from department heads including those of the library and liquor store.
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