Art Crawl photo album

The spring 2007 Art Crawl was held on Friday night.

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Left: lots of art crawl traffic to the downtown’s west side in front of The Key.
Center and right: Joe McGowan, Union of Youth youth board member, managing the crowds and the cards.

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Left: Victor and Kiffi Summa opened up the old Bagel Brothers space (currently available to lease!) to display art by high school students.
Center: Phoebe Currier’s painting of her grandmother, Marjorie Cox.
Right: Nikki Sheppard’s painting of Oolala.

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The Ole Store hosted a post-crawl gathering. Right photo, L to R: Glenn Switzer, Sue deMalignon, Bonnie Jean Flom, Michelle Millenacker, Bad Bart deMalignon.

Click photos to enlarge and see more in the Spring 2007 Art Crawl photo album.

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