Moon dogs over Northfield

Moon dogs over Northfield

What a great year for winter weather phenomena. In December, we got treated to a set of sun dogs making a complete circle. Two weeks ago, thundersnow. And this morning, moon dogs, which the Wikipedia says are “… are exactly analogous to sun dogs, but are somewhat rarer because in order to be produced the moon must be bright and therefore full or nearly full.” Yes, the photo is blurry. I was shivering.

Yesterday’s blizzard missed us (dang) but we’re back in the deep freeze, currently at –4F with a –20F wind chill according to the Carleton Weather Database at 6:30 am.


  1. Nathan White said:

    Very cool – thanks for the photo. There were some fabulous sun dogs this morning on my way into work but I didn’t know about moon dogs.

    March 11, 2009
  2. Mary Schier said:

    I noticed them, too, about 6 a.m. It’s the first time I’ve seen moon dogs. The moon was exceptionally bright this morning and with the moon dogs, it felt a little surreal.

    March 11, 2009
  3. Very cool! I noticed the sun dogs this morning, but didn’t know there could be moon dogs.

    March 11, 2009

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