Photo album: Rock ‘N Roll Revival 2009 dress rehearsal – big hair, backstage


  1. Tracy Davis said:

    Awwww….. Thank you, Griff!

    March 12, 2009
  2. Kathie Galotti said:

    You got some great ones of my son!!! Thanks!!!

    March 12, 2009
  3. 84 pictures and not one close-up of my lovely daughter?! What the freakin’ hell am I almost paying you for?!

    March 12, 2009
  4. No and no. Those aren’t even pictures of the same girl, are they? Yeah, it is rather weird with the massive amount of hair piling skyward.

    Enough with the excuses. Just make it so, Wigley, or there will be consequences. Don’t make me slap this blog around!

    March 12, 2009
  5. That’s my beauty, but I said “close up”, damnitall Wigley! What is it about my unreasonable demands that you find so unreasonable?!

    March 12, 2009
  6. With red hair? What the hell? Who gave her red hair? I’ve had enough of your trickery! Next time I sees ya, why I’ma gonna…

    March 12, 2009
  7. Kathie Galotti said:


    Jeez man get a grip! That’s ESME!!!! Try to pay attention here.

    March 12, 2009
  8. But Griff changed her hair with his Camera of Sorcery! My little girl! NOOOOOOOO!!!! I’ll get you, Wigley, if it’s nearly the last thing I do!

    March 12, 2009

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