Video: Northfield musician to play during nationwide music festival

repjlogo-thumb1.pngLocal musicians Meredith Fierke, Steve and Dylan Mckinstry, and photographer Dan Iverson are arriving in Austin, Texas today to participate in the South by Southwest music and film festival. Fierke is performing at the Touche bar on Saturday and will play “Train’s Song,” a song inspired by the trains traveling through Northfield, Minn. Below are video interviews with Fierke and Iverson shot in Fierke’s home on Monday.

Meredith Fierke, Northfield, Minn. musician from Bonnie Obremski on Vimeo.

Dan Iverson, Northfield photographer from Bonnie Obremski on Vimeo.

Train Song by Meredith Fierke of Northfield, Minn. from Bonnie Obremski on Vimeo.


  1. kiffi summa said:

    Bonnie: Really nice piece … putting together the singer, her words and her music , and the photographer and his words. Looking forward to seeing his pictures of the event.
    Fun … thanks.

    March 20, 2009
  2. Bob Gregory-Bjorklund said:

    Hey, All-

    I like Meredith’s stuff a lot. And Dan’s stuff a lot too. But just gotta blow my proud daddy horn- my boy Willie’s down in Austin too. Played on the 18th, with a band named Josiah Wordsworth.

    March 20, 2009
  3. Congratulations Mr. Gregory-Bjorklund!

    March 22, 2009

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