There’s another triumvirate in town. Tom McKown (English teacher and Rock ‘N Roll Revival director), Bonnie McKown, and Gayle Collins (High School Media Specialist, now retired) are the big three behind the bi-annual event.
Bonnie and Gayle volunteer their time (Bonnie even takes vacation days during performance week from her job as a pediatric nurse), while Tom gets a small stipend that likely pays him the equivalent of 30 cents/hour.
While there are many dozens of volunteers who help make Rock ‘n Roll Revival happen, these three deserve a special high-five and a fist jab whenever you see them.
Huge thanks are due as well to Bob Gregory-Bjorklund, the vocal music director, and Shari Setchell, the choreographer. Both spent like 6 days a week with the students for hours at a stretch, also for like 30 cents and hour!!
Bob and Shari are both unsung heros of youth theater and drama opportunities in town. They do fabulous work with hundreds of kids during the school year and during the summer–and we are very lucky to have them!
So very true, Kathie! They both do great work for a long time on that show, along with the band leader.
Band leader: Craig Wasner. Yes, they all did a great job. I enjoyed the many stories from parents who got to see another side of their kids in the show. And I’m sure new things emerged for the cast, sides they may not have known they had.
Without all the many talented, generous and dedicated adults behind the scenes, it never would have happened. Many thanks.
Thanks, Paul, I wasn’t sure of his name and was in a hurry to get out the door, so I left it generic. But, the band he directed was not only fun to listen to, but also fun to watch as they really started getting in to the music and bopping around on their stage in the sky. Very exciting to see.
Three cheers to ALL those mentioned and all the other unsung heroes. The RRR was a huge success, and just gets better every year. These amazing kids pull off quite a show! We may have to add a 7th performance next year. Also, a big thank you to all the folks who come to watch.