Category: <span>Featured</span>

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Safety Center tourRoss and I (and a few other malcontents concerned citizens) got a tour of the Northfield Safety Center on Friday. Tonight’s Council meeting addresses it. (See Councilor Betsey Buckheit’s blog post, CIP discussion continues, but action imminent.) It’s more than a little distressing that, as far as I know, no one from the City has acknowledged that it’s been irresponsible to have not done the deferred maintenance on the building for over 20 years. (continued)

City Featured

Candidates for governor have been campaigning in Northfield the past few weeks. Yesterday morning, Steve Kelley visited with local citizens at the Goodbye Blue Monday. We’ve also had visits from…

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Aldsworth Building and Community Resource Bank11x17 12 View 19I chatted briefly yesterday with Jim Braucher, Principal of Professional Design Group, a Northfield architectural and engineering firm, on the plans to redevelop the site of the Community Resource Bank and the old Aldsworth building overlooking Bridge Square with a historic-looking 4-story office building. I may be drinking the Kool-Aid but I’m not inclined to jump on the ‘save the Aldsworth’ bandwagon since only its facade was renovated in 1997. According to my Deep Throat at GBM, the interior structure is badly dilapidated. (continued)

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attorneys Pages 15-22 of Monday’s Northfield City Council meeting and work session packet (PDF) includes details on the process used by the Selection Committee in recent months. See also the Sat. Nfld News: Swanson’s letter to city isn’t swaying mayor’s opinion.

I’ve copy/pasted the text from pages 18-22 here to make it easier to reference for discussion.  I’ve turned off comments here. Continue the discussion on our Sept. blog post, What’s up with the City Attorney selection process? (continued)

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