Category: <span>Weather</span>

Photos Weather

I was mountain biking in the Upper Arb this morning when I noticed the approaching storm clouds had a green tint. I got caught in the fast-approaching deluge (1.75 inches…


The power went out here in the @LoGro neighborhood @5pm so I’m blogging this via my smartphone, standing outside in Hidden Valley Park where I get a better internet connection.…


I spotted this partial double rainbow over Northfield last night at about 8pm. while driving along Prairie Ave. near Jefferson Parkway. I didn’t have my good camera with me so…

Video Weather


  Dundas resident and All Flex Flexible Circuits engineer Paul Jesh has a local weather website up called Dundas MN Weather. It’s considerably friendlier and more visual than the Carleton…

People Weather

   David Hvistendahl showed me the high water mark from last September inside Froggy Bottoms this morning when the pub was destroyed.  We’ve got a long way to go to…

Businesses Weather

K-12 Weather

  The bank thermometers by my house read –28 and –25 at 6:30 this morning. Downtown’s read –22 and the Carleton Weather Database thermometer bottomed out at –23. No wind,…
