Tag: <span>Denny Dempsey</span>

Civic Orgs Colleges

Father Denny Dempsey, annual celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Dominc Catholic Church, NorthfieldOne of the GBM morning regulars, Jose Rodriguez (“Hey you tender white boys!”), alerted me to yesterday’s annual celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe at St. Dominic Catholic Church here in Northfield. (On the church’s Comunidad Hispana web page: “St. Dominic is the spiritual home for the majority of the 1,500 people of Hispanic descent living in Northfield.”)

I got permission from my former seminarian buddy, Father Denny Dempsey, to take photos at the 5 PM Mass featuring “traditional Mexican dance, meal, and Mariachi band.”

See the album of two dozen photos, the large slideshow, or this small slideshow:

Arts & Culture Photos Religion