I’ve been using kettlebells ever since Gretchen Falck opened her Forza! studio here in Northfield back in 2008. And my wife Robbie has been a regular at her classes for…
Tag: <span>Forza!</span>
I get regular updates on Gretchen Falck’s Forza! studio (on Professional Drive behind Casey’s). Why? My wife Robbie is a ‘Forzite,’ hooked since March, 2010, doing everything from kettlebells, TRX…
I’ve been working with Gretchen Falck to revamp the website for her Forza! studio into a blog site. She’s been blogging since January. At her studio on Professional Drive (behind…
I stopped by Gretchen Falck’s new Forza! For a Fit Life studio (on Professional Drive behind the Woodley St. car wash near Casey’s) yesterday as carpet was being laid…