Longtime Northfielder and Northfield Patch editor Corey Butler announced his resignation on his Facebook page earlier this week. I got his permission to post it here and coaxed him into…
Tag: <span>Northfield.org</span>
Yes, I’ve blogged this before, but it bears repeating since tonight is the night. Our NCO/Northfield.org colleagues are having a big birthday partaaaaay tonight at the Grand Event Center. …
Our NCO/Northfield.org colleagues are having a big birthday partaaaaay on Jan. 20th at the Grand Event Center. See: The Northfield.org 20th Birthday Bash! page for party details More on…
Marika Christofides, student journalist for Northfield.org, interviewed me a couple weeks ago for her piece that was published this week: Happy Anniversary, Northfield.org. Editor’s Note: In January, Northfield Citizens Online,…
I missed this year’s Midsommar in Way Park last Sunday, but fortunately, it was well-documented with great photos. Mark Heiman, Doug Bratland, and Don Bratland have an Northfield.org album of…
The last time I used that phrase in a blog post title, things didn’t turn out so well. Yesterday afternoon, local business owners, St. Olaf students, and miscellaneous other volunteers…
I normally prefer more narrowly focused blog posts. And any one of the three subjects in the blog post title would typically suffice. But Jane McWilliams is teaching a Cannon…
Doug Bratland and I (photo by Jane McWilliams) joined forces with Alex Beeby and David Gonnerman to form Team Frost Whores to compete in the trivia contest at Thursday night’s…