Tag: <span>Robbie Wigley</span>


It’s been long time (two years?) since we’ve had significant snow here in Northfield. Today’s 8+ inches of heavy wet snow was only half the amount that some places got…


   You may have noticed that my blog posts in the past week have been somewhat fluff-oriented. Thin. Light weight. Boring, even. That’s because Robbie and I spent the past…


City Civic Orgs

  Joyce Hoogenakker at Fine Threads Classic & Casual Clothing (Facebook page) was the designated dispenser of gifts this week for last Saturday’s Le Tour du Chocolat shoppers who checked…


Photos Sports & Leisure

Tracy Davis, Griff Wigley, no Ross Currierscott-hilburn-cartoonMy sweetie happened to walk by the KYMN studio window as we started recording this week’s show. Tracy waved her in and before I knew it, instead of discussing the politics of Northfield, we were discussing the politics of household chores, triggered by last week’s blog post on Deciphering the paradox of declining female happiness. This toilet-related Argyle Sweater cartoon by Scott Hilburn featured prominently in our discussion. Where were you when I needed you, Ross?

Click play to listen. 30 minutes.

Cultural issues Featured Podcasts


Two new neighborhood blogs have joined Northfield’s blogosphere in recent months. The Northfield Eastside Neighborhood Association (NESNA) launched its blogsite in December under the stewardship of Ed Lufkin. See the…
